Bryce Lupoli

Breathwork | Meditation
Breathwork specialist, teacher of Sheng Zhen Meditation, writer, and singer.
Bryce Lupoli is a breathwork specialist, teacher of Sheng Zhen Meditation, writer, and singer. He came to this work out of necessity.
At age 16 Bryce was struck by crushing existential depression. He sought refuge through art, nature, sports, and various wisdom traditions — with moderate success. Matters became more strained when, in his late teens and early 20’s, Bryce developed a series of disabling auto-immune illnesses, including dupuytren contracture and systemic pseudo-arthritis. Desperate, short on medical options, and in search of some way to be at peace with his lot, he entered a monastery, where his perspective on Life and Being radically shifted. Joy, meaning, and a sense of inter-connectedness became frequent visitors for the first time since childhood. To his great surprise, even his physical health began to return.
Today, Bryce shares with others the skills, practices, and ways of being most essential to his journey toward home and health, while providing them with the non-naïve faith in the possibility of transformation and the deep companionship that such a journey requires.